Chapter 10 |
- Sealed radioactive sources
- Industrial irradiation
- Non-destructive testing
- Verification of physical parameters
- Neutron activation
- Other common applications
- Unsealed radioactive sources
- Electrical devices emitting ionising radiation
- Industrial applications
- Veterinary radiodiagnostics
- Particle accelerators
- Electrical devices emitting ionising radiation
- Integration of the fundamental principles of radiation protection in the regulation
of non-medical activities
- Authorities regulating the sources of ionising radiation
- Licensing and notification of ionising radiation sources used for
non-medical purposes
- Applicable licensing and notification legal systems
- Statistics for 2011
- Revocation of unjustified or prohibited activities
- Application of the ban on the intentional addition of radionuclides in consumer
goods and construction products
- Application of the principle of justification for existing activities
- Reinforcement of the regulation of electrical devices generating
ionising radiation
- Detection of radioactivity in France
- Implementation of monitoring of radioactive source protection against
malicious acts
- Checks conducted by ASN
- The main incidents in 2011
In the field of regulating applications of ionising radiation in
the non-medical sector, ASN works to ensure that the operators
take full account of the risks involved in the use of ionising
radiation. This problem is accentuated by the diversity and the
number of the parties involved.
Industrial radiography
The recent gamma radiography incidents that occurred in 2010
and 2011 in France (Feursmetal, Hachette & Driout,
Rambervillers) brought home the importance of radiation protection
in industrial radiography activities. Over and beyond
the health risks for the operators, the economic consequences
of accidents can be very considerable.
The work conditions on the site (poor accessibility, night work,
etc.), equipment maintenance (projector, guide tubes, etc.) are
major factors affecting personnel safety. The incidents often
result from sources getting jammed outside the safe shielded
position. ASN notes that the exposure rates and condition of
the equipment are not unrelated to the probability of an incident.
It moreover underlines that if any equipment operating
anomalies are observed, such as abnormal source projection or
retraction forces, operations should be immediately stopped
and the equipment inspected. Furthermore, if a source gets
jammed, no attempts should be made to release it, and the
on-site emergency plans required by the regulations - though
rarely drawn up - must be implemented.
Beyond the incidents noted, ASN considers from its inspections
that the way risks are taken into account varies between
companies. Although on the whole the regulations relating to
worker training and the periodic external inspection of sources
and devices are satisfied, further progress must be made in
work preparation, particularly for on-site operations (predicted
dose evaluations, marking out of zones, etc.) and in the coordination
between the ordering companies and contractors to
enhance work preparation and allow the application of effective
preventive measures.
After considering the questions of justification and optimisation,
the non-destructive testing professionals have drafted
guides, including a guide for companies seeking an alternative
to iridium 192 for the gamma radiography inspection of pipe
fabrication welds (ALTER'X, coordinated by the French
Welding Institute), and a guide coordinated by COFREND,
promoting the use of alternative methods and including
functional tools such as a flow chart for identifying the gamma
radiography substitution conditions, and matrices describing
the inspection and its objectives.
ASN considers that the involvement of the ordering customers
is vital to make progress in radiation protection in industrial
The regulation and monitoring of industrial radiography is a
priority for ASN, with 114 inspections carried out in 2011,
some in collaboration with the labour inspectorate. This
priority is maintained in 2012.
Enhancing the awareness of all the players is also a priority.
Regional initiatives to establish charters of good practices in
industrial radiography have been underway for several years at
the instigation of ASN and the labour inspectorate, particularly
in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Haute-Normandie, Rhône-
Alpes, Nord - Pas-de-Calais and Bretagne/Pays de la Loire
regions. These initiatives allow regular exchanges between the
various stakeholders and are therefore going to be continued.
The ASN divisions and other regional administrations concerned
also organise regional awareness-raising and discussion
symposia which are attracting growing interest from the
stakeholders of this branch.
ASN's monitoring of establishments and laboratories using
radioactive sources for research purposes, which began in
2002, shows a distinct improvement in radiation protection in
this sector. The actions taken over the last few years have produced
appreciable results, particularly in the involvement of
Persons Competent in Radiation protection (PCRs), the
training of exposed workers and radiation protection technical
ASN notes a gain in overall awareness of the importance
of radiation protection issues. This being said, the lack of
involvement of certain stakeholders and the considerable
legacy of installations to be brought into conformity with
radiation protection requirements, combined with removal of
very old and "forgotten"” radioactive sources, can represent
serious obstacles.
In 2011, ASN established contacts with the nine health and
safety at work inspectors of the Ministry of Research in order to
discuss inspection practices and look into reciprocal methods of
exchanging information to improve the effectiveness and complementarity
of the inspections. An agreement should be drawn
up in 2012 between ASN and the general inspectorate of the
Ministry responsible for research and higher education.
The administrative situation of the veterinary structures is
improving (1,527 structures notified and 349 licensed at the
end of 2011), but is not yet satisfactory. The inspections carried
out in 2011 showed that the work of the national professional
institutions in the field of radiation protection, leading to the
drafting of guides and good practices sheets, is not uniformly
applied in the field. The radiation protection technical inspections,
the workstation studies and risk analyses must be improved.
In the last few years ASN has nevertheless seen progress in
the employment of persons competent in radiation protection,
in dosimetric monitoring and in the wearing of personal protective
ASN will continue its inspection actions in 2012, with a view to
putting the administrative situation of all the players in order
and improving their radiation protection practices, particularly
in the equine sector. These inspections will enable the effectiveness
of the recommendations and good practices issued by the
national professional institutions to be judged on the ground.
Removal of lightning arresters
The removal of old lightning arresters containing radioactive
sources is an activity requiring strict radiation protection measures
(see point 2|2|2). ASN has planned to reinforce the inspections
in this area in 2012 to ensure that the professionals
exercise their activities in compliance with radiation protection
regulations and good practices.
Suppliers of ionising radiation sources
As stated in point 2|3, ASN considers that the regulatory oversight
of suppliers of electrical ionising radiation generators is
still insufficient, given that the technical characteristics of the
devices put on the market are of prime importance for the optimisation
of the exposure protection of their users. The work
conducted by ASN in this area should enable a decision setting
the technical requirements for the devices distributed in France
to be established in 2012.
ASN is also stepping up its inspections in radiopharmaceutical
research and production using cyclotrons. The 27 cyclotrons
existing in France, which are subject to licensing by ASN, have
strong radiation protection implications and display high
technical complexity. Eleven inspections are planned in this
area in 2012.