Chapter 07 |
- Action in Europe
- Harmonisation of nuclear safety worldwide
- Assistance requests
- European Union
- The Euratom Treaty
- The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG)
- The European Directive on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
- The European directive on the management of waste and spent fuel
- The European working groups
- The Western European Nuclear Regulators Association
- Association of the Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA)
- ASN participation in the Euratom 7th framework R&D programme
- Multilateral assistance actions
- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
- Multinational Design Evaluation Program (MDEP)
- The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)
- The International Nuclear Regulators’ Association (INRA)
- The Association of Nuclear Regulators of Countries Operating French Designed Nuclear
Power Plants (FRAREG)
- The European ALARA Network and the European Radiation Protection Authorities Network
- Staff exchanges between ASN and its foreign counterparts
- Bilateral cooperation between ASN and its foreign counterparts
- ASN bilateral assistance
- The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS)
- The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety
of Radioactive Waste Management
- The Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
- The Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
- Other conventions linked to nuclear safety and radiation protection
2012 will be marked by a number of major milestones, most of
which are related to following up the steps taken in the wake of
the Fukushima Daiichi accident.
In Europe, the national reports of the NPP stress tests will be
peer reviewed from January to April 2012. The continuation of
this exercise and the subsequent summaries by ENSREG and
then the European Commission will be important moments.
ASN is heavily involved in these exercises and will continue to
devote efforts to ensuring that Europe remains a driving force
behind improvements to nuclear safety around the world.
As for the possible changes to the European nuclear safety
framework, which will be officially submitted by the
Commission to the European Council in June 2012, ASN - in
accordance with the provisions of the law - has initiated an
analysis with the Government's competent departments of the
first potential areas revealed by the Commission in its
communication of 23rd November 2011, in order to ensure
appropriate preparation of the deadline of next Spring.
At an international level, the schedule is also a busy one. In
addition to the Joint Convention review meeting of May 2012 -
which was of course scheduled independently of the events at
Fukushima Daiichi - an extraordinary review meeting of the
contracting Parties to the Convention on nuclear safety will be
held in August 2012, to discuss the steps they have taken in the
wake of the Fukushima Daiichi accident. ASN will be
coordinating the drafting of the French report.
ASN also noted that there has been an extremely positive shift
in the position adopted by the World Association of Nuclear
Operators (WANO). ASN will be monitoring the changes to the
initiatives launched by WANO and designed to reinforce
international monitoring of operating safety.
ASN is convinced that wide-ranging changes are needed to the
international safety framework and will also be attentive to the
implementation of the action plan adopted by the IAEA Board
of Governors in September 2011.
In addition to dealing with these exceptional activities related to
the events at Fukushima Daiichi, ASN will in 2012 also be
carrying out its usual international business, focusing on
improvements to nuclear safety and radiation protection around
the world. This aim will be pursued by maintaining strong and
permanent ASN involvement in European and international
bodies. Many cases need to be dealt with, ranging from
negotiations around the new European "basic standards"
directive, to the Commission's work on IAEA safety standards.
In line with its highly proactive policy of international
cooperation, ASN will be looking to engage in all of these subjects.