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   The French nuclear safety authority (ASN) presents its report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2008. This report is required by Article 7 of the Nuclear Transparency and Security Act of 13 June 2006. It was submitted to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Presidents of the Senate and the National Assembly, pursuant to Article 7 of the above-mentioned Act. It was presented on 9 April 2009 to the members of the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST) and to the press.  

Presentation of the ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2007 to the OPECST on 8 April 2008
Annual report 2008
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Annual report:
Nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2008



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The year 2008
Key topics
1. ASN actions to promote greater transparency
2. EDF nuclear power plant ageing and operating life: the conditions for continued operation
3. The prevention of malicious acts
4. ASN regulation of the radiotherapy sector
5. Regulating and monitoring the construction of the Flamanville 3 EPR reactor
6. ASN's international nuclear safety responsabilities
7. The new nuclear countries
8. Decommissioning of basic nuclear installations and the low-level, long-lived waste disposal project
Chapter 01 - Nuclear activities: ionising radiations and health risks
Chapter 02 - Principles and stakeholders in the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection
Chapter 03 - Regulation
Chapter 04 - Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiations
Chapter 05 - Environmental protection
Chapter 06 - Public information and transparency
Chapter 07 - International relations
Chapter 08 - Radiological emergencies
Chapter 09 - Medical uses of ionising radiations
Chapter 10 - Industrial and research activities
Chapter 11 - Transport of radioactive materials
Chapter 12 - EDF nuclear power plants
Chapter 13 - Nuclear fuel cycle installations
Chapter 14 - Nuclear research facilities and various nuclear installations
Chapter 15 - Safe decommissioning of basic nuclear installations
Chapter 16 - Radioactive waste and polluted sites
Appendix A - List of basic nuclear installations
Appendix B - ASN decisions and opinions published in 2008 in its Official Bulletin
Appendix C - Acronyms, abbreviations and names
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