Nuclear research facilities
and various nuclear installations
- with respect to the protection and nuclear safety division (DPSN) and the general and nuclear inspectorate (IGN), ASN develops a national global approach to generic” subjects concerning several installations or
certain centres; ASN also examines how the DPSN defines CEA’s safety and radiation protection policy and assesses internal supervision work performed by the IGN;
- within the CEA centres, and as and when necessary, ASN reviews the safety analysis files specific to each of the CEA BNIs, paying particular attention to their integration into the more general framework of CEA’s safety policy. In this respect, it examines the conditions in which safety management is carried out. The main points of contact are the director of the centre and the head of the installation concerned...
Nuclear research facilities and installations not directly linked to the nuclear electricity generating industry cover all the basic nuclear installations (BNIs) of the civil part of the French Atomic Energy Commission, the basic nuclear installations of other research organisations, and a few other basic nuclear installations which are neither power reactors, nor nuclear fuel cycle facilities.
The centres of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) include various basic nuclear installations devoted to research (experimental reactors, laboratories, etc.) as well as support installations (waste storage, effluents treatment plants). Research at CEA includes subjects such as the lifetime of operating plants, future reactors, nuclear fuel performance and nuclear waste.
ASN regulation and surveillance of CEA takes place at several levels:
- working with the General Administrator, ASN verifies CEA’s overall compliance with its main undertakings, in particular with regard to planned new installations, upgrading of older installations and waste management, especially in terms of compliance with the specified time-frames and handling of the safety and radiation protection issues;