IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

62 APPENDIX IV - RECOMMENDATIONS (R) AND SUGGESTIONS (S) FROM THE PREVIOUS IRRS MISSION THAT REMAIN OPEN Section Module R/S Recommendation/Suggestion 3.1 4 R4 The Government and ASN should explore newways to ensure that the human and financial resources needed for effective regulation of nuclear and radiation safety are sustained into the future as ASN's workload increases. 4.1 4 S6 ASN should consider updating relevant parts of the management system and associated processes to ensure the management systempromotes and supports a strong safety culture in the regulatory body. 6.2 6 S8 The regulatory body should consider issuing internal guidance on the reviewand assessment activities to be undertaken in the frame of the periodic safety reviews covering all safety factors of SSG-25. 9.1 9 R11 ASN should develop more detailed guidance for the review and renewal of regulations and guides. The guidance should also include regular assessment of the need to renewregulations including updated IAEA safety standards as an initiator for such renewal. 9.5 9 S18 ASN should considergaining specific expertise anddeveloping specific safetyguides (standard format and content of a safety case , site criteria, etc.) related to a near-/sub-surface disposal facility in a timely manner (depending on the options to be proposed by Andra in 2015). 12.2 12 S27 The Regulatory Body should consider including, in its inspection and assessment programme for BNI and ICPE facilities, activities to verify that securitymeasures in place do not impair safety, especially in case of an accident.