ASN Report 2017

299 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 10  - Sources of ionising radiation and their industrial, veterinary and research applications The notification system In 2009, to better adapt the regulatory requirements to the radiation risks, ASN introduced a notification system in the industrial, research and veterinary sectors. This led to the publication of several approved ASN resolutions (see chapter 3), defining on the one hand the scope of this system and on the other, its implementation procedures. The following are concerned: ཛྷ ཛྷ veterinary diagnostic radiology devices (fixed only) meeting one of the following conditions: -- the emission beam is directional and vertical, except for all tomography devices; -- the device is used for intra-oral radiography (ASN resolution 2009-DC-0146 of 16th July 2009, amended); ཛྷ ཛྷ electrical devices emitting ionising radiation, for which the equivalent dose rate 10 cm from all accessible surfaces in normal conditions of use and as a result of their design, is less than 10 microsieverts per hour (µSv/h). Through ASN resolution 2015-DC-0531 of 10th November 2015, ASNwidened the scope of activities subject to notification to all users and holders of these devices in order to integrate unambiguously into the notification systemall the activities using devices in these categories, that is to say putting into service, inspection, maintenance, training, etc., insofar as these uses do not lead tomodifications in safety systems or radiation shielding. The notification system also applies to the activities relating to the installation, maintenance or removal of Ionisation Chamber Smoke Detectors (ICSD) (see point 4.3). The notification forms drawn up by ASN have been designed to simplify their use and processing. No document is to be enclosed with the notification form. ASN is consideringwidening the field of activities subject to notificationwhile at the same time continuing to open up its on-line notification portal which further simplifies the procedures. This system is already up and running for transport activity (see chapter 11) and medical activity notifications. 4.2.3 Statistics for 2017 Suppliers In the light of the fundamental role played in the radiation protection of future users by the suppliers of sources or devices containing them(see points 3 and4.2.1), ASNexercises particularly strict control in this field. During the course of 2017, 62 source distribution license applications or license renewal applications were examined by ASN, and 41 inspections were carried out. FOCUS Tracking radioactive sources Articles R. 1333-47 to 49 of the Public Health Code provide for prior recording by IRSN of transfers of radioactive sources and Article R. 1333-50 for tracking these sources. ASN resolution 2015-DC-0521 of 8th September 2015 relative to the tracking and methods of registering radionuclides in the form of radioactive sources and products or devices containing them details the methods of registering transfers and the rules for tracking radionuclides in the form of radioactive sources. This resolution, applicable as of 1st January 2016, takes into account the existing practice and supplements it as follows by: ཛྷ ཛྷ grading source monitoring according to how dangerous the sources are; ཛྷ ཛྷ confirming the non-registration of sources whose activity is below the exemption thresholds; ཛྷ ཛྷ imposing deadlines between the registering of source transfer and the actual transfer; ཛྷ ཛྷ making it an obligation for each source to be accompanied by a «source certificate» indicating all its characteristics and which must be transmitted to IRSN within two months after receiving the source. GRAPH 5: Radioactive source “user” licenses delivered each year 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 New licenses Renewals/updates Cancellations Number of facilities licensed 2016 2017 2015 2014 2013