Nuclear safety and radiation protection are complex areas in which many parties are involved. Given the diversity of available information, the public can now make up its own mind in particular by consulting the websites of the main organisations concerned. The information they make available varies in nature, from the most general to the most scientific, from the layman to the informed professional.

In line with its policy of transparency, the ASN presents a non-exhaustive list of the main websites dealing with nuclear matters in the broadest sense:

Local Information Committees (CLIs) and High Council for Nuclear Safety and Information (CSSIN)
- www.asn.gouv.fr (the Nuclear Safety Authority's site is also the point of entry for the CLI and CSSIN sites);
- www.ancli.fr (site of the National Association of CLIs).

Parliamentary assemblies (reports from the Parliamentary Office for the assessment of scientific and technological options, bills, work done by committees, etc.)
- www.assemblee-nationale.fr (site of the French Parliament);
- www.senat.fr.

- www.andra.fr (site of the National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management);
- www.cea.fr (site of the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique);
- www.cogema.fr (site of the Compagnie Générale des Matières nucléaires);
- nucleaire.edf.fr (EDF site devoted to the French nuclear power plans);
- www.framatome-anp.com (site of Framatome-ANP, manufacturer of French nuclear reactors);
- www.laradioactivite.com (popularisation site, produced jointly by the CEA and the CNRS).

- www.criirad.com (site of the Commission for Independent Research and Information on Radioactivity);
- www.greenpeace.fr (Greenpeace site);
- www.wise-paris.org (Wise site);
- www.sortirdunucleaire.org (site of the "Sortir du nucléaire" association).

Health agencies and technical experts
- www.afssa.fr (site of the French Food Product Safety agency);
- www.afssaps.sante.fr (site of the French Health Product Safety agency);
- www.afsset.fr (site of the French Environment and Labour Health Safety Agency);
- www.invs.sante.fr (site of the Health Monitoring institute).

Learned societies
- www.sfr-radiologie.asso.fr (site of the French Radiology Society);
- www.sfrp.asso.fr (site of the French Radiation Protection Society);
- www.sfen.org (site of the French Nuclear Energy Society).

Higher education establishments and research centres (engineering colleges, universities, university hospitals, etc.).

Legislative and regulatory texts
- www.legifrance.gouv.fr;
- www.ladocfrancaise.gouv.fr;
- www.ecologie.gouv.fr (law-related part of the Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development's website).
www.industrie.gouv.fr ;