2006 will be devoted to implementation of the decree setting the procedures for designating, qualifying and swearing-in the radiation protection inspectors mentioned in articles L. 1333-17, L. 1333-18 and L. 1337-1-1 of the Public Health Code, amending this code (regulatory provisions) and will see the appointment of the first radiation protection inspectors.

Jointly with the Directorate for Labour Relations (DRT), the ASN will begin to look at ways of organising its supervision of the activities of the organisations approved for radiation protection inspections. This work will concern four areas:
– using and managing approvals in conditions such as to avoid any distortion of the practices of these organisations;
– through field inspections conducted by the ASN, checking that the organisations carry out their duties in conditions of quality consistent with their technical and ethical obligations;
– organising feedback to the administration of information concerning the state of the "fleet" of ionising radiation users obtained during the inspections carried out by the organisations;
– encouraging the organisations to produce a professional guide of good practices for radiation protection technical inspections on sources and devices emitting ionising radiation, ambient environment technical checks, source, waste and effluent management checks.

Based on the experience it has acquired with regard to significant event declarations in the BNI and radioactive material transport fields, the ASN aims to develop a similar approach for local nuclear activities.